Milano Serravalle Engineering specialises in the construction site management and maintenance for infrastructural works, providing the technical and managerial expertise needed to successfully complete the projects.
20057 Assago Milanofiori MI
Milano Serravalle Engineering specialises in the construction site management and maintenance for infrastructural works, providing the technical and managerial expertise needed to successfully complete the projects.
Construction has begun, as part of the project of the concessionaire Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziale S.p.A. "SerraH2Valle", of five refueling stations for hydrogen-powered vehicles. The intervention is co-financed by the European program CEF - Transport Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility (AFIF) and by the PNRR.
Milano Serravalle Engineering oversees the construction works of bank protection structures along a stretch of the river Po in the province of Pavia
Milano Serravalle Engineering is managing the installation works of integrated barriers on a section of the south carriageway of the Parchi viaduct
Milano Serravalle Engineering specialises in the design and project management of infrastructures, s...
Milano Serravalle Engineering is responsible for the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of struc...
Milano Serravalle Engineering Safety deals with coordinating and supervising the safety of infrastr...